ParcelAnnouncement-v1.0 Schema
AlternateDeliveryAddress Element
ParcelAnnouncement-v1.0 Schema > Announcement Element > ParcelInfo Element : AlternateDeliveryAddress Element
This element describes the alternate delivery address of the destination customer where this shipment is sent to.
Namespace urn:xmlns:nedfox-retailvista-com:parcelannouncement-v1.0
Address Complex Type
CountryIsoCode Element CountryDescription Element City Element ZipCode Element County Element AttentionOf Element AddressDescription Element Address Element Sequence AlternateDeliveryAddress Element
AlternateDeliveryAddress optional Address Complex Type
This element describes the alternate delivery address of the destination customer where this shipment is sent to.
Address xs:string
The complete address, including housenumber and additions.
AddressDescription xs:string
An optional filled text, describing the address. Especially used when no housenumber is available, for example on ships lying in canals.
AttentionOf xs:string
An optional filled text describing a person or department when delivery a parcel, for example 'logistics department'.
County xs:string
ZipCode xs:string
City xs:string
CountryDescription xs:string
CountryIsoCode xs:string
<xs:element name="AlternateDeliveryAddress" type="parcel:Address" minOccurs="0" xmlns:xs="" />
See Also
ParcelInfo ElementAnnouncement ElementParcelAnnouncement-v1.0 Schema